Saturday, August 27, 2011

Things you should know about the skateboard.

Okay, if you do not already know this is a skateboard, This is abasic board and those r all the parts.
 If you have all of the suppies you can make one!! { of course I am kidding } if you skate board please
 send a coment and maby even subscibe. But just so you know the feeling on a
 skate board is amazing!! : -D and if you really love it you
 could be a pro, just like
Chis Troy!! or not and you don't even have to do tricks you could just let loos and skate!!
Ch-Ch-Ch-Check it out! this a sweet skate boare! well it's not a board persay well it is but it's more art that a boar never the less it's awesome!!  :-)

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